Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happiness and Health In a Home

Happiness and Health In a Home

By Dr.VS.Suresh Phd.,  Email: bksureshv@gmail.com

Every human home was originally intended to be a real haven of rest-a little heaven on earth, where all of the children would learn to be unselfish.Attitude of love and loyalty were to be inculcated into their minds.It was to be a place where youth could grow up happily,and to which they might return for comfort and guidance even after having left their parents to establish new homes for themselves,such an ideal whenever realized goes far to minimize problems of later life.

True,there are those who think that life must go on according to the brutal ways of the jungle.
They claim that human feelings really do not matter. This is far from true.Man was" made in the image of God" that he might reflect the glory and love of God .Originally he was placed in a beautiful garden home,not in a cruel,heartless jungle with no law expect survival of the fittest.

A happy home should be the heritage of every person who comes into this world.No child should be allowed to remain long in an unhappy home, for unhappiness can soon cause illness of both mind and body.The contented person who has been privileged to know and understand the better ways of life,and who lives sensibly,can usually enjoy the best of health,both mentally and physically.

If children everywhere were given the right kind of home training, there would be no more wars, no more crimes, and no more poverty.Almost all the problems that afflict the human race can be traced to wrong environment during childhood and youth.Proper home training develops a balanced personality.

Many people are too self-centred to live happily together.Even when two people are too self-centred to live happily together.Even when two people marry,it is often impossible for them to get along well with each other.The reason? They are so wrapped up in their own want and whims that they cannot copied by the children, and so it passes on from one unhappy generation to another.

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