Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Natural Family

Natural Family

One beautiful day In watched too little brown birds building a nest in a tree.It was the time for mating,the loveliest season of the year; all nature was radiant and beautiful.Green leaves covered the trees; flowers were blooming every where.Fascinated by watched those little birds flitting about,searching for the materials for the materials needed for their nest.

The male bird was very active,bringing all kinds of twigs and grass and other things.He seemed to thoroughly enjoy the task of building a home for his future family. But the Little lady bird was not idle by any means.In fact,she was the one who made many of he decisions,as together they build their nest.

Them something strange began to happen. When the nest was half built, the Little lays evidently decided that the place was not suitable.Some hidden instinct told her that she was building her nest too close to the neighbour's cat! so she tore it all apart and started building again in a safer spot. And regardless of how much her mate protest , she apparently let him know that in this matter her decision must be final.It was his job to feed and protect the family hers to raise the brood.

When the nest was finally completed the little mother took some of her own downy feathers to carpet the floor of the little home.Then she laid three tiny eggs in it,and covered them with the warmth and protection of her own body.What a scene of beauty and peace!

On a branch near-by her mate was perched,singing as if his very throat would burst with pride and melody.He wanted everyone to know that this was his home,his family.Several times each day he took her place on the nest while she flew off for food and rest.

After a few weeks there came a day of great excitement. The young birds were chipping their way through their egg-shells and stepping out into the world for themselves.Of course they were not yet ready to live on their own.They had no feathers.Their beaks were large and ugly,and their mouths were constantly open for food.

All day long, from dawn to dark,those parent birds flew back and forth,bringing food for their hungry youngsters.And how those little ones could eat! they never seemed to be satisfied.They grew rapidly,amid much chirping,and in a few more weeks were ready fo care for themselves.As soon as their feathers were fully grown they were taught to fly, and thereafter they were able to live on their own.

The cycle of life is simple enough in a small bird,but it is delightfully beautiful.The same is true, though in a much broader sense, on the human level.In either case family relationships figure prominently.The creation of a comfortable home in which little ones can be reared is a normal part of life.

Nature can teach us valuable lessons.the young are early trained to take their normal place in life.No longer do we find the older birds trying to make decision for the younger, or to direct their lives.Nor do we find the younger birds waiting around for a "handout" from their parents. When they are fully grown they move out and live their own lives according to the laws of nature.This is evidently what their parents expect them to do.By this simple act they avoid the types of family troubles that distress many men and women Today.

Then sooner our youth learn to face life and make decision for themselves, the more successful they will be in later years.Sensible training must begin Art birth and continue all through childhood and youth.

A human home home is far more complex than a bird's nest,for the young human has many more lessons to learn.That is why he remains with his parents for several years.His physical growth is slower than that of most animals, and his mind develop in proportion to his place in life.

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